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Citizenergy features crowdfunding platforms and cooperatives with a focus on getting the public involved in sustainable energy projects.

To keep it simple, we call these organisations platforms.


Renewable energy cooperatives, or REScoops, have long been contributing to the energy revolution by motivating people to really take ownership of their energy, ensuring it is both democratic and sustainable. By making this important work visible and encouraging participation on an international level, Citizenergy is inspiring new REScoops and amplifying their impact.

Daan Creupelandt, Coordinator,

It's great to see Citizenergy be such a driving force, banding together the financing of sustainable energy projects across borders. This initiative is a great tool for people to find reliable projects they want to support.

Stefano Cruccu, Senior Project Manager, Solar Plaza

Crowdfunding is still a very new market and there are still so many obstacles that we have to overcome in Europe. If we work together, we are so much stronger. Citizenergy helps crowdfunding platforms and cooperatives work together and support one another.

Marilyn Heib, CEO, Bettervest

It's important to have channels to get out to larger communities. By aggregating many different projects, Citizenergy can attract a larger audience and help platforms that are just starting up reach out beyond country borders.

Sam Manaberi, Founder and CEO, Trine

Citizenergy is a place where stakeholders from the worlds of crowdfunding and cooperatives meet. It brings added value to energy cooperatives by showing the breadth of energy initiatives and projects across Europe. Cooperatives scaling up and wishing to go beyond regional boundaries, especially with larger projects, can make use of Citizenergy to attract broader-based support.

Siward Zomer, President, De Windvogel

Crowdfunding is about giving people to the power to decide what their money should support. Cititzenergy gives individual investors access to more projects than any one platform can and thus gives them the power to develop their own diversified portfolios of decentralised energy projects.

Coenraad De Vries, Founder, Start Green

Citizenergy is a great tool to help people find investments that are both in line with their beliefs and with the goals of the Paris Agreement on climate change.

Alex Raguet, President, LUMO

Crowdfunding platforms have expertise in recruiting investors from their home countries - that is their core focus. Citizenergy provides a place where we can build our profile with a wider European audience and start to attract different types of investors.

Karl Harder, Co-Founder, Abundance

The future of energy is renewable energy and energy efficiency. We need to move fast. We still have too many barriers in the system. The new world is solar energy, wind energy, biogas… investing in these is good for the planet and builds up a community that will help us move to the world of the future.

Claude Turmes, Member of the European Parliament, Luxembourg Green Party

Our energy landscape is increasingly become decentralised and decentralised energy, be it in the form of renewables or energy efficiency, requires decentralised finance. Citizenergy is promoting just this approach, giving ordinary people the power to directly support the change we need to see in our energy landscape.

Sarah Mekjian, Communications Director, Climate Alliance

For renewables to really change our lives, we need innovation in how we use energy but also how we finance energy. Citizenergy gives people the ability to invest in different ways and in different countries so that they can shape our common future and change peoples' lives even with a small amount of money.

Robert Pasicko, Team Leader Low Carbon Development, UNDP Croatia

Cooperatives and crowdfunding platforms are social innovations uniquely positioned to help reform how civic society engages in financial markets. Citizenergy has helped realise important first steps towards marshalling this potential in the sustainable energy sector, reminding us of the advantages of aligning activities across Europe as a whole, rather than fragmentation.

Matthias Klaes, Professor of Commerce, University of Dundee

With the need to accelerate our transition to a clean energy system, Citizenergy is a welcome addition to the world of sustainable energy crowdfunding.

Julia Groves

Platforms likePlatforms like Citizenergy are a tremendous opportunity to reinstate this sense of feeling European Citizenergy are a tremendous opportunity to reinstate this sense of feeling European.

Alix Bolle

Citizenergy is very relevant to the Region of New Aquitaine's own clean energy transition goals. The Region is convinced that crowdfunding platforms and energy cooperatives empower citizens to co-develop renewable energy sources - Citizenergy supports this and has the potential for wide ranging positive impacts: from environmental issues to driving local economies and proposing new economic models to promoting territorial energy resilience and regional energy self-management.

Francoise Countant, Vice présidente Climat et Transition Energétique du conseil régional ALPC - Nouvelle Aquitaine